Cap-Haitien Christian School is, "Changing Lives to Change the World". Children graduating from the school will be academically prepared to meet the demands of a changing world and economy. Our children will be firmly grounded in biblical truth, clearly knowing right and wrong. Cap-Haitien Christian will be releasing the next generation of fathers, mothers, laborers, business leaders, and who knows, maybe even a president, into our society. In a time that seems so desperate and in need of people of character, integrity and wisdom, the school is committed to helping parents raise their children to God's standard - that standard being the greatest commandment found in Mark 12:30, "Love the Lord our God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."

Students must be living with at least one parent.
One person in the home must speak English.
Uniforms are required and can be ordered through the school.
Boys: Dark blue shorts or pants and a white polo shirt w. CHCS logo
Girls: Dark blue skirt or jumper of modest cut and length and a white polo shirt w. CHCS logo
For P.E. children must wear the approved PE uniform.
4. All students must have a water bottle, Lunch box and a backpack capable of holding a 9 X 11 folder.
5. 6th-12th Grade students must have:
An approved Laptop with Microsoft Word and a CD drive
Internet access at home for homework
1. Obtain and complete an application packet from the school.
2. In addition, you must provide:
Documentation of required immunizations
Completed medical record form
Copy of applicant’s birth certificate
In addition to these items, Transfer Students must also submit:
Official TRANSCRIPTS from previous schools.
Students applying for middle school or high school will also be required to submit an essay.
3. Return the completed packet with required paperwork and $25.00 application fee to the school office. Once the application is reviewed, you will be called as to the status of your application. If there is space available in your child’s grade, you will be asked to schedule time for testing and an interview. There is a testing fee of $15.00. You must attend testing as scheduled or give the school sufficient notice, or an additional fee will be imposed and there is the possibility your child will be denied admission.
4. Once testing is completed the admissions committee will review the application to determine if your child will be accepted.
5. Once you receive notice, the registration fee must be paid within one week to complete the enrollment process. If your payment is not received, your enrollment is not complete and after the week, your placement can be filled by another applicant.

1. A child must be living with his/her mother and/or father. The parents must have Haiti as their primary place of residence.
2. There is to be a fluent English-speaking adult in the home, and the parents must agree that English will be spoken in the home a significant part of the time.
3. Children must be fluent in English at their grade level.
Admission & Policies
4. Children applying for admission to K3 must be three (3) years of age on or before September 1st and MUST be able to use the toilet, no diapers. Children applying for K4 must be four (4) years of age on or before September 1st. Children applying for K5 must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1st.
5. Students must have a record of discipline and emotional adjustment that indicates they will make a successful adjustment and will be a good addition to our school.
6. For Transfer Students - School records and standardized test results must indicate that the student is capable of academic success. The student must have maintained at least a C average at his or her previous school.